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Custom Python Wordle game not showing colors correctly

from requests import get
from json import loads
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from colorama import Fore
from os import system

def select_game_word():
    """This function will return a random 5-letter word"""
    response = get("")
    word = loads(response.text)[0].upper()

    return word

def verify_guessed_word(guessed_word):
    """This function will return a boolean value if the guessed word is verified or not"""

    if len(guessed_word) == 5:
        response = get(f"{guessed_word}")

        if response.status_code == 200:
            return True

    return False

def ask_guessed_word():
    """This function will return the guessed word from the user"""

    guessed_word = input("Type in your word: ").upper()

    while not verify_guessed_word(guessed_word):
        print("Invalid word. Please try again.")
        guessed_word = input("Type in your word: ").upper()

    return guessed_word

def get_guessed_word_colors(guessed_word, selected_word):
    """This function will return a list of colors for each letter in the guessed word"""

    letter_index_pairs = [] # This list will store key-value pairs for the letters and their indexes.
    # Getting all the green letters from the word first
    for i in range(0, 5):
        if guessed_word[i] == selected_word[i]:
            selected_word = selected_word.replace(guessed_word[i], "-") # replacing the green letters to dashes so that yellow letters can't pair with them

            letter = Fore.GREEN + guessed_word[i] + Fore.RESET
            letter_index_pairs.append({i: letter})
    # This loop will get all the yellow and gray letters from the word next
    for i in range(0, 5):
        if selected_word[i] != "-": # not allowing dashes
            if guessed_word[i] != selected_word[i] and guessed_word[i] in selected_word: # yellow letter checking
                letter = Fore.YELLOW + guessed_word[i] + Fore.RESET
                letter_index_pairs.append({i: letter})

            else: # otherwise considering the letter as grey
                letter = Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX + guessed_word[i] + Fore.RESET
                letter_index_pairs.append({i: letter})

    letter_index_pairs = sorted(letter_index_pairs, key=lambda d: list(d.keys())[0]) # Sorting the pairs by their index in the word
    # getting the finalized guessed words colors
    guessed_word_colors = []
    for pair in letter_index_pairs:

    return guessed_word_colors

def get_game_table():
    """This function will get a table for the game"""

    table = PrettyTable()
    table.header = False

    return table

def add_guessed_word_to_table(table, guessed_word_colors):
    """This function will add the colored guessed word onto the game table"""

def is_correct_word(guessed_word, selected_word):
    """This function will return a boolean value if the guessed word is correct"""

    if selected_word == guessed_word:
        return True

    return False

def game():
    print("Welcome to Wordle Unlimited!")

    selected_word = "NANNY"
    table = get_game_table()

    chance_number = 0

    while chance_number != 6:
        guessed_word = ask_guessed_word()

        guessed_word_colors = get_guessed_word_colors(guessed_word, selected_word)
        add_guessed_word_to_table(table, guessed_word_colors)

        if is_correct_word(guessed_word, selected_word):
            print(f"Correct! The word was: {selected_word}")
            print(f"You got it on chance #{chance_number}!")


            chance_number += 1

    print(f"You ran out of chances! The word was: {selected_word}")


I'm programming a custom Python Wordle game. It was working great, until I came across this issue.

For example, when the correct word to guess is "NANNY" and the user guesses "DEALT" it works perfectly; D, E, L, and T are considered grey letters and A is considered a yellow letter:


However, when the user guesses a word like "NORTH" I get the following error:

  File "C:\Users\hasee\OneDrive\Documents\wordle unlimited\", line 123, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\hasee\OneDrive\Documents\wordle unlimited\", line 109, in game
    add_guessed_word_to_table(table, guessed_word_colors)
  File "C:\Users\hasee\OneDrive\Documents\wordle unlimited\", line 84, in add_guessed_word_to_table
  File "C:\Users\hasee\AppData\Local\Packages\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_qbz5n2kfra8p0\LocalCache\local-packages\Python312\site-packages\prettytable\", line 1407, in add_row
    raise ValueError(
ValueError: Row has incorrect number of values, (actual) 3!=5 (expected)

I expected it to show 'N' as green, and the rest grey. I went through guessed_word_colors() and couldn't work out why this error is happening.


  • Here's a cleaned up version of your code that works. Note that I have removed the prettytable stuff, but it should be easy for you to add this in:

    def ask_guessed_word():
        return input("Type in your word: ").upper()
    def get_guessed_word_colors(guessed_word, selected_word):
        letter_index_pairs = ['']*len(selected_word)
        selected_word = list(selected_word)
        # Getting all the green letters from the word first
        for i in range(len(selected_word)):
            if guessed_word[i] == selected_word[i]:
                selected_word[i] = "-" # replacing the green letters to dashes so that yellow letters can't pair with them
                letter_index_pairs[i] = "[[" + guessed_word[i] + "]]"
        # This loop will get all the yellow and gray letters from the word next
        for i in range(len(selected_word)):
            if guessed_word[i] in selected_word: # yellow letter checking
                letter_index_pairs[i] = " [" + guessed_word[i] + "] "
            elif selected_word[i] != '-':
                letter_index_pairs[i] = "  " + guessed_word[i] + "  "
        return letter_index_pairs
    def get_game_table():
        return []
    def add_guessed_word_to_table(table, guessed_word_colors):
        """This function will add the colored guessed word onto the game table"""
        for row in table:
    def is_correct_word(guessed_word, selected_word):
        return selected_word == guessed_word
    def game():
        print("Welcome to Wordle Unlimited!")
        selected_word = "NANNY"
        table = get_game_table()
        for chance_number in range(6):
            guessed_word = ask_guessed_word()
            guessed_word_colors = get_guessed_word_colors(guessed_word, selected_word)
            add_guessed_word_to_table(table, guessed_word_colors)
            if is_correct_word(guessed_word, selected_word):
                print(f"Correct! The word was: {selected_word}")
                print(f"You got it on chance #{chance_number+1}!")
        print(f"You ran out of chances! The word was: {selected_word}")