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C# SixLabors.ImageSharp Image.Load<Rgba32> from Azure Blob URL

  • I have written some code that uploads images to Azure Blob Storage in the cloud.
  • I then want to load the image from a cloud URL, using SixLabors.ImageSharp, and resize the image.

How do I get the below code to read from a cloud URL, as opposed to a local file path (stored on a hard drive)?

string imageFilePathUrl = GetImageFilePathUrlFromAzureBlob();
using (Image<Rgba32> image = Image.Load<Rgba32>(imageFilePathUrl))
    //Resize the loaded image URL...


  • I don't see an Image.Load overload that takes a URL string ( It will interpret the string as a file path, which it isn't.

    You must download the image first, as it's not stored locally. You can use some Azure's storage client, or just download it with a HttpRequest. The easiest way would be with Flurl (

    using Flurl;
    using Flurl.Http;
    string imageFilePathUrl = GetImageFilePathUrlFromAzureBlob();
    Stream stream = await imageFilePathUrl.GetStreamAsync();
    using (Image<Rgba32> image = Image.Load<Rgba32>(stream))
        //Resize the loaded image URL...