I've created a map in C++ to store directions for different chess pieces using the following structure:
map<Piece, vector<tuple<Offset, Type, Color>>> PIECE_DIRECTIONS;
When attempting to add elements to the map, such as:
PIECE_DIRECTIONS[Pawn].push_back(tuple<Up, Push, Red>);
PIECE_DIRECTIONS[Soldier].push_back(tuple<Up, Push, Red>);
I'm getting the error message 'This declaration has no storage class or type specifier.' How can I resolve this issue? Are there alternative ways to achieve the same goal, such as using vectors or arrays instead of a map?
Is accessing elements in a map faster compared to arrays and vectors? In my specific case, the speed of accessing elements is crucial, and methods like insertions and deletions are not a significant consideration.
You will get something like this (I did not add the vector yet, but that adds on level of extra {} for initialization). I just wanted to give you an idea. ;)
#include <string>
#include <map>
enum class Piece
enum class Color
struct Direction
int horizontal;
int vertical;
struct Movement
Color color;
Direction direction;
int main()
std::map<Piece,Movement> moves{
{ Piece::Pawn, // <- key of your map, e.g. a Piece enum value
Color::White, // First member of Movement, e.g. Color enum value
{0,1} // Second member of Movement, Direction {0 horizontal, 1 vertical)
{ Piece::Bishop, { Color::Black, {8,8} } }
return 0;