Here is my defined layer and this works perfectly adding the geojson layer to my map. But I want a static image of the map with the geosjson layer using the mapbox static api. I have been trying to understand these docs from mapbox
My code:
map.addSource('geojson', {
type: 'geojson',
// Use a URL for the value for the `data` property.
data: ''
let addLayerStyle = {
'id': 'geojson-layer',
'type': 'circle',
'source': 'geojson',
'paint': {
'circle-opacity': 0.05,
// Make circles larger as the user zooms from z12 to z22.
'circle-radius': {
'base': 1.75,
'stops': [
[12, 2],
[22, 180]
// Color circles by ethnicity, using a `match` expression.
'circle-color': [
['get', 'id'],
/* other */ '#ccc'
This works fine on my map as shown in the attached image.
According to the docs I should be able to add url parameter called addlayer
Here is my url
let mylayer = JSON.stringify(addLayerStyle)
let url = ',49.2407190,11/500x300?access_token=pk.D_ngzR7j4vU1CILtpNLg4Q&addlayer=' + mylayer
I am getting an error msg "message": "Invalid layer passed to addlayer. Unable to parse JSON."
Also, I do not understand how this would work since it does not appear to be passing the actual source with the geojson to the request.
You have to encode the string before you append it to the URL.
The #
from the color strings breaks the URL.
needs to be encoded as %23
in the URL making #223b53
become %23223b53