I'm trying to get the name from a specific user based on an index from the UserModel (which is a list model according to the wiki).
When I attempt to print out the name using console.log("username: {" + userModel.get(userList.currentSelected).name+ "}")
, I get the following error:
Main.qml:56: TypeError: Type error
SDDM repository: https://github.com/sddm/sddm/wiki/Theming
I tried userModel.get(0)
, userModel.at(0)
, userModel[0]
but none of those have worked for me.
import QtQuick 2.15
import SddmComponents 2.0
Item {
id: root
focus: true
Keys.onPressed: (event)=> {
console.log("Object entries:" + Object.entries(userModel));
console.log(userModel.itemData(userModel.index(0, 0)));
console.log("username: {" + userModel.get(0).name+ "}")
Edit: here is the output of object.entries
[[objectName,],[lastIndex,0],[lastUser,],[count,4],[disableAvatarsThreshold,7],[containsAllUsers,true],[objectNameChanged,function() { [native code] }],[dataChanged,function() { [native code] }],[headerDataChanged,function() { [native code] }],[layoutChanged,function() { [native code] }],[layoutAboutToBeChanged,function() { [native code] }],[rowsAboutToBeInserted,function() { [native code] }],[rowsInserted,function() { [native code] }],[rowsAboutToBeRemoved,function() { [native code] }],[rowsRemoved,function() { [native code] }],[columnsAboutToBeInserted,function() { [native code] }],[columnsInserted,function() { [native code] }],[columnsAboutToBeRemoved,function() { [native code] }],[columnsRemoved,function() { [native code] }],[modelAboutToBeReset,function() { [native code] }],[modelReset,function() { [native code] }],[rowsAboutToBeMoved,function() { [native code] }],[rowsMoved,function() { [native code] }],[columnsAboutToBeMoved,function() { [native code] }],[columnsMoved,function() { [native code] }],[submit,function() { [native code] }],[revert,function() { [native code] }],[resetInternalData,function() { [native code] }],[hasIndex,function() { [native code] }],[index,function() { [native code] }],[parent,function() { [native code] }],[sibling,function() { [native code] }],[rowCount,function() { [native code] }],[columnCount,function() { [native code] }],[hasChildren,function() { [native code] }],[data,func tion() { [native code] }],[setData,function() { [native code] }],[headerData,function() { [native code] }],[fetchMore,function() { [native code] }],[canFetchMore,function() { [native code] }],[flags,function() { [native code] }],[match,function() { [native code] }]]
As @smr stated in the comments, userModel.data(userModel.index(0,0), 257)
is the correct function.