Search code examples

Require vba code to to webscrap the PRELIMINARY DATA section from the ""

enter image description here

[Web Link ""]

From the above website I am not able to web scrap the data table section named PRELIMINARY DATA.

I have tried a code given but no luck for this website same code is working for another website mentioned below.


can anyone help please?

Sub GetTableUsingIE_From_NSE() 'Working sample code for NSE Website table
    'Refer below website for further nested code of row col
    Dim ieApp As Object
    Dim url As String
    Dim htmlDoc As Object
    Dim tables As Object
    Dim table As Object
    ' Specify the URL of the website
    url = ""
    'url = ""
    ' Create a new instance of Internet Explorer
    Set ieApp = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    ' Make IE visible (you can set it to False if you don't want to see the browser)
    ieApp.Visible = True
    ' Navigate to the specified URL
    ieApp.navigate url
    ' Wait for the page to load (you may need to adjust the wait time based on the website)
    Do While ieApp.Busy Or ieApp.readyState <> 4
        Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("0:00:03")
    ' Get the HTML document from the loaded page
    Set htmlDoc = ieApp.document
'    ' Get all tables from the HTML document
'    Set tables = htmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("table")
'    ' Loop through each table and do something (e.g., print table contents)
'    For Each table In tables
'        ' Do something with the table, e.g., print its innerHTML
'        Debug.Print table.innerHTML
'        MsgBox table.innerHTML
'    Next table
    Dim elt As Object
    Dim aRow, aCol, totCol As Integer
    Dim sHeaderStr  As String
    With htmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("table").Item(0)
        aRow = 1
        aCol = 1
        For Each elt In .getElementsByTagName("th")
            Debug.Print elt.innerText
            sHeaderStr = elt.innerText
            ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Cells(aRow, aCol).Value = sHeaderStr
            aCol = aCol + 1
            totCol = aCol
        Next elt
        aRow = aRow + 1
        aCol = 1
        Debug.Print vbNewLine
        For Each elt In .getElementsByTagName("td") '
            Debug.Print elt.innerText
            ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").Cells(aRow, aCol).Value = elt.innerText
            If aCol < 18 Then
                aCol = aCol + 1
                aCol = 1
                aRow = aRow + 1
            End If
        Next elt
    End With
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").UsedRange.Rows.WrapText = True
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data").UsedRange.Rows.WrapText = False
    ' Close Internet Explorer
    Set ieApp = Nothing
End Sub

From the above website I am not able to web scrap the data table section named PRELIMINARY DATA.

I have tried a code given but no luck for this website same code is working for another website mentioned below.


can anyone help please?


  • Don't use the IE anymore. It's deprecated! You can get a JSON from the page with xhr (XML HTTP Request).

    Here is an example how it can work:

    Sub TotalsCMEGoldVolumeByDate()
        'This macro downloads a JSON
        'It works for the last 32 days
        'Oldest getable update for the data is yesterday - 31 days
        Const urlBase As String = ""
        Const urlTail As String = "/P"
        Dim urlDate As String
        Dim quotationMarksAll() As String
        Dim quotationMarkOne As Long
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Dim currRow As Long
        Dim pasteInCell As Boolean
        Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
        currRow = 1
        With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
            urlDate = "20231228" 'yyyymmdd (Make this dynamic if needed)
            .Open "GET", urlBase & urlDate & urlTail, False
            If .Status = 200 Then
                'Here we have a JSON like follows:
                '   "tradeDate":"20231228",
                '   "totals":{
                '      "month":"-",
                '      "monthID":"-",
                '      "globex":"141,803",
                '      "openOutcry":"0",
                '      "totalVolume":"143,574",
                '      "blockVolume":"114",
                '      "efpVol":"1,657",
                '      "efrVol":"0",
                '      "eooVol":"0",
                '      "efsVol":"0",
                '      "subVol":"0",
                '      "pntVol":"1,771",
                '      "tasVol":"1,553",
                '      "deliveries":"40",
                '      "opnt":"-",
                '      "aon":"-",
                '      "atClose":"500,216",
                '      "change":"-897",
                '      "strike":"-",
                '      "exercises":"0"
                '   },
                '   "monthData":[
                '      {
                '         "month":"DEC 2023",
                '         "monthID":"DEC-2023-Calls",
                '         "globex":"0",
                '         "openOutcry":"0",
                '         "totalVolume":"0",
                '         "blockVolume":"0",
                '         "efpVol":"0",
                '         "efrVol":"0",
                '         "eooVol":"0",
                '         "efsVol":"0",
                '         "subVol":"0",
                '         "pntVol":"0",
                '         "tasVol":"0",
                '         "deliveries":"40",
                '         "opnt":"-",
                '         "aon":"-",
                '         "atClose":"0",
                '         "change":"-40",
                '         "strike":"0",
                '         "exercises":"0"
                '      },
                '      {
                '         "month":"JAN 2024",
                '         "monthID":"JAN-2024-Calls",
                '         "globex":"338",
                '         "openOutcry":"0",
                '         "totalVolume":"338",
                '         "blockVolume":"0",
                '         "efpVol":"0",
                '         ...
                '      ...
                '   ...
                'We only need the tradeDate and the totals section:
                'Because we need only a few values from a flat herachie,
                'we can get them with some string operations
                quotationMarksAll = Split(.responseText, """")
                'The following loop works column by column in the sheet because
                'I just want to show how to get the values you need.
                'If you need a different output, you can do whatever you want here.
                    Select Case quotationMarksAll(quotationMarkOne)
                        Case "tradeDate"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "Trade Date"
                            pasteInCell = True
                        Case "globex"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "Globex"
                            pasteInCell = True
                        Case "openOutcry"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "Open Outcry"
                            pasteInCell = True
                        Case "totalVolume"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "Total Volume"
                            pasteInCell = True
                        Case "blockVolume"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "Block Volume"
                            pasteInCell = True
                        Case "efpVol"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "efp Vol"
                            pasteInCell = True
                        Case "eooVol"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "eoo Vol"
                            pasteInCell = True
                        Case "efsVol"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "efs Vol"
                            pasteInCell = True
                        Case "subVol"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "sub Vol"
                            pasteInCell = True
                        Case "pntVol"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "pnt Vol"
                            pasteInCell = True
                        Case "tasVol"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "tas Vol"
                            pasteInCell = True
                        Case "deliveries"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "Deliveries"
                            pasteInCell = True
                        Case "atClose"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "At Close"
                            pasteInCell = True
                        Case "change"
                            ws.Cells(currRow, 1) = "Change"
                            pasteInCell = True
                    End Select
                    If pasteInCell Then
                        ws.Cells(currRow, 2) = quotationMarksAll(quotationMarkOne + 2)
                        currRow = currRow + 1
                        pasteInCell = False
                    End If
                    quotationMarkOne = quotationMarkOne + 1
                Loop While quotationMarksAll(quotationMarkOne) <> "monthData"
                MsgBox "JSON not loaded. HTTP status " & .Status
            End If
        End With
    End Sub