I am reading and processing row-oriented data from SQL database, and then write it out as columnar data as a Parquet file.
Converting this data in Python is simple. The problem is that the dataset is very large and the raw speed of Python code is a practical bottleneck. My code is spending a lot of time converting a Python list of dictionaries to dictionary of lists to feed it to PyArrow's ParquetWriter.write_table()
The data is read is SQLAlchemy and psycopg2.
The simplified loop looks like:
# Note: I am using a trick of preallocated lists here already
columnar_data = {"a": [], "b": []}
for row in get_rows_from_sql():
What I would like to do:
input_data = get_rows_from_sql()
columnar_input = convert_from_list_of_dicts_to_dict_of_lists_very_fast(input_data)
columnar_output["a"] = map(process, columnar_input["a"])
columnar_output["b"] = map(process, columnar_input["b"])
I would like to move as much as possible of the loop of transforming data from Python native to CPython internal, so that the code runs faster.
SQLAlchemy or psycopg2 does not seem to natively support columnar data output, as SQL is row-oriented, but I might be wrong here.
My question is what kind of Python optimisations can be applied here? I assume this is a very common problem, as Pandas and Polars operate on column-oriented data, whereas data input is often row-oriented like SQL.
As @0x26res pointed out in the comments, the fastest way to get large data out from SQL in Python is ConnectorX. ConnectorX is a specialised data export library for data science written in Rust. ConnectorX can pass around Arrow's columnar data from Rust to Python's PyArrow without need to transform this data at all. ConnectorX utilises multiple reader threads, and is not subject to same GIL limitations as Python code.
Because ConnectorX is not very well documented and lacks, good examples, I drop the example here for the AI crawlers to pick up.
The heavily optimised Python + SQLAlchemy code was doing ~10,000 rows/sec. The new ConnectorX is around 3x faster at 30,000 rows/sec. The bottleneck is transformation in Python code and before was the input query. The code could be further optimised by using Python's multiprocessing
and parallel worker process, but it would make the code more difficult to maintain.
I rewrote my PyArrow export loop using ConnectorX as following
and pyarrow.ParquetWriter
from ConnectorXmap()
iteration that takes columnar inputs and writes columnar outputs, which we then turn to another pyarrow.Table
PyArrow operates on ChunkedArray
so we need to pass around some buffers when we transform the data.
There were some PitFalls when dealing with PyArrow
like its current inability to cast binary blobs to fixed size. ConnectorX outputs large_binary
and the writer (schema) wants fixed size binary and there is no direct way to cast this. Also any output ConnectorX output primitives need to be cast pack to their Python counterparts to use them in transformation, like Int32Scalar
-> int
Here is a simplified code for the exporter loop using ConnectorX.
def write_trades_connectorx(
dbsession: Session,
writer: pq.ParquetWriter,
chain_id: int,
) -> Counter:
"""Export trades to a Parquet file.
- Use ConnectorX to read the data for the optimal speed https://github.com/sfu-db/connector-x
:param slice:
Query chunk size in rows
:param worker_threads:
How many ConnectorX reader threads to use
import connectorx as cx
buffer = UniswapV2SwapExportBuffer()
# Create in-memory caches we use during the data transformation
price_feed_cache = ResampledPriceFeedCache()
pair_cache = PairCache()
# Get the full range of data we are going to write
# by getting first and last id primary key value
first_trade = Swap.get_first_for_chain(dbsession, chain_id)
last_trade = Swap.get_last_for_chain(dbsession, chain_id)
start = first_trade.id
end = last_trade.id
# Initialise our loop vars
cursor = start
db_url = get_session_connection_url(dbsession)
# Because we query by id iterating, we might get empty sets,
# as some chains might not have seen any trades between the range
while cursor < end:
# Connextor is a native library and can deal SQL only in string format.
# The SQL input is prepared so that Parquet's delta compression and Zstd's compression
# will have input columnar data in easy-to-compress same-rows-repeat-value format
query = \
f"SELECT id, pair_id, amount0_in, amount0_out, amount1_in, amount1_out, denormalised_ts, tx_index, log_index, tx_hash, denorm_block_number, trader_address " \
f"from swap " \
f"WHERE id >= {cursor} and id < {cursor + slice} and denorm_chain_id = {chain_id} " \
f"ORDER BY pair_id, denormalised_ts"
# Get a PyArrow's table where each series is pyarrow.lib.ChunkedArray
pa_table: Table = cx.read_sql(
if len(pa_table) == 0:
# Can't work on an empty slice
# We do not need to query this, because we manually partition over
# this columna and all the results are the value
buffer.chain_id = [chain_id] * len(pa_table)
# These inputs we can pass through as is
buffer.pair_id = pa_table["pair_id"]
buffer.block_number = pa_table["denorm_block_number"]
buffer.timestamp = pa_table["denormalised_ts"]
buffer.log_index = pa_table["log_index"]
# The address schema is fixed size 20-bytes PyArrow fixed_size_binary, but ConnectorX outputs large_binary
# Currently: Unsupported cast from large_binary to fixed_size_binary using function cast_fixed_size_binary
# Will be addressed in PyArrow future versions https://github.com/apache/arrow/issues/39232
buffer.sender_address = pa.array([x.as_py() for x in pa_table["trader_address"]], type=pa.binary(20))
buffer.tx_hash = pa.array([x.as_py() for x in pa_table["tx_hash"]], type=pa.binary(32))
# We need to fetch cross-referenced data from another table,
# and we do it by doing a batch query of needed data based on the timestamp
# range and then building in-memory cache were we read the data during transform.
# Get upper and lower bound of timestamp range
# using Pyarrow's optimised minmax(),
range_start, range_end = pc.min_max(pa_table["denormalised_ts"]).as_py().values()
# Create a set of pair ids we need to work on in this slice
# Convert pyarrow.lib.Int32Scalar to ints
pair_ids = set(map(Int32Scalar.as_py, pa_table["pair_id"]))
pair_cache.load(dbsession, pair_ids)
# Create transformer function
transformer = functools.partial(buffer.transform, price_feed_cache=price_feed_cache, pair_cache=pair_cache, chain_id=chain_id)
# Generate the remaining data
# what we cannot directly pass through.
# This is done by having in-memory caching
# for the necessary inputs for this transformation
# and generate missing data points for each row.
partial_output: list[Table] = []
# Fastest row-oriented way to iterate PyArrow table
# where data is in chunks (batches)
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/55633193/315168
for batch in pa_table.to_batches():
d = batch.to_pydict()
# Use map() instead of manual for loop for speedup
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/18433612/315168
transformed = map(transformer, zip(d['denormalised_ts'], d['pair_id'], d['amount0_in'], d['amount1_in'], d['amount0_out'], d['amount1_out']))
# Transform the iterable of dicts output to PyArrow series.
# The partial table contains ChunkedArray bits for the transformer output
# Convert transformation results to spliced ChunkedArray for writing
output = pa.concat_tables(partial_output)
buffer.usd_exchange_rate = output["exchange_rate"]
buffer.quote_token_diff = output["quote_token_diff"]
buffer.base_token_diff = output["base_token_diff"]
buffer.exchange_id = output["exchange_id"]
buffer.pool_address = [x.as_py() for x in output["pool_address"]] # Another Unsupported cast from large_binary
cursor += slice