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Bitrise - how to set iOS Build Number and Version from Git Tag

Brand new to Bitrise and CI. My goal is to trigger build and release to App Store Connect when I tag a build in my repo. I have the triggering working as expected. What I want to know is if it’s possible to extract a version and build number from the BITRISE_GIT_TAG env var. I want to tag a commit on GH with DEV v1.0.3-22 and then run a workflow with Set Xcode Project Build Number step where I set the Build Number to 22 and Version Number to 1.0.3. This mirrors our CI/CD processes on our backend.

How could I go about doing this?


  • The way I ended up handling this was to add a custom script step with the code below. It seems a bit hacky but has been working reliably.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # fail if any commands fails
    set -e
    # make pipelines' return status equal the last command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if all commands exit successfully
    set -o pipefail
    # debug log
    set -x
    # write your script here
    if [ ! -z  "$tag" ] ; then 
        echo $tag
        if [[ $tag =~ $pattern ]]; then 
        else echo 'App Version not found'; 
        envman add --key app_build_number --value "$build_number"
        envman add --key app_version --value "$app_version"