How do I get a CategoryID in livewire?
In the usual Route::get it worked - "public function createTopic($categoryId): void", how to do it here?
Volt::route('forum/cat{categoryId}/create', '') ->name('forum.topic');
new #[Layout('')] class extends Component {
public string $name = '';
public function createTopic(): void
$validated = $this->validate([
'name' => ['required', 'string', 'min:6', 'max:255']
$topic = ForumTopicModel::create([
'name' => $validated['name'],
'category' => $categoryId,
'author' => Auth::id()
This is done in the same way.
In routes:
Volt::route('forum/cat/{categoryId}/create', '')->name('forum.topic');
In the component:
public int $categoryId;
In component methods we use
Also via mount:
mount(function (int $categoryId) {