In my application I want use Retrofit for connect to server and I want call API.
I used this APIs : text
And I want call this end point :
In response show me such as below :
"01coin": {
"btc": 1.3651e-8
This keys (01coin & btc) of json create from end point query.
When change the coins, response also changed! and I can create response json in kotlin!
I called API such as below code in my application
suspend fun getCoinsList(): Response<ResponseCoinsList>
ResponseCoinsList :
class ResponseCoinsList : ArrayList<ResponseCoinsList.ResponseCoinsListItem>(){
data class ResponseCoinsListItem(
val id: String?, // 01coin
val name: String, // 01coin
val symbol: String? // zoc
How can I use response class with dynamic object of json in retrofit?
update your get api request in retrofit as below
suspend fun getCoinPrice(
@Query("ids") coinId: String,
@Query("vs_currencies") currency: String
): Response<Map<String, Map<String, Double>>> }
and where you are calling your api update as below
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
val coinId = "02coin" // Replace with your dynamic coin ID
val currency = "py" // Replace with your dynamic currency
val coinPriceResponse = apiRepository.getCoinPrice(coinId, currency)
if (coinPriceResponse.isSuccessful) {
val coinPriceData = coinPriceResponse.body()
coinPriceData?.let {
// Handle the response here
val coinPrice = it.get(coinId)?.get(currency)
Log.d("CoinPriceResponse", coinPrice.toString())
} ?: run {
// Handle the case where the coin price response is null
Log.d("CoinPriceResponse", "Coin price data is null")
} else {
// Handle the case where the coin price request is not successful
Log.d("CoinPriceResponse", "Failed to fetch coin price")