I want to create a login API call from the auth slice. I use both Redux-Toolkit (RTK) and RTK Query in the project. I want to use fetchBaseQuery
in the API call. I have predefined baseQuery
export const baseQuery = retry(fetchBaseQuery({
timeout: 5000,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
prepareHeaders: (headers, { getState }) => {
const accessToken = localStorage.getItem(AUTH_TOKEN_KEY) || '';
const uid = getLocal(UID_KEY);
if (accessToken) {
headers.set('Authorization', accessToken);
headers.set(UID_KEY, uid);
return headers;
}), { maxRetries: 3 });
My expectation is to use a RTK mutation in the authSlice
. I have tried like this, but it is not working.
export const loginAsync = createAsyncThunk(
async (credentials: LoginValuesType, thunkAPI) => {
try {
// How to call the mutation here?
// const response = await userApi.useLoginMutation(credentials)
if (response?.data?.code === 0) {
localStorage.setItem(AUTH_TOKEN_KEY, response.data?.data?.token);
setLocal('uid', response.data?.data?.uid);
return response.data;
} else if (response?.data?.code === 1) {
return thunkAPI.rejectWithValue({msg: response?.data?.msg})
} catch (e) {
thunkAPI.dispatch(showError('An error occurred'))
return thunkAPI.rejectWithValue({msg: "An error occurred"})
If this way is impossible please suggest me a good way to create this backend connection.
This is the RTK mutation I have implemented. We can remove it if it is not necessary.
export const userApi = createApi({
reducerPath: 'userApi',
baseQuery: baseQuery,
endpoints: (builder) => ({
login: builder.mutation({
query: (args) => {
return {
url: '/api/v1/sign_in',
method: 'POST',
body: args,
export const {
} = userApi;
You can initiate an endpoint directly. Example:
export const loginAsync = createAsyncThunk(
async (credentials: LoginValuesType, thunkApi) => {
try {
const { data } = await thunkApi.dispatch(
if (data.code === 0) {
localStorage.setItem(AUTH_TOKEN_KEY, data.data?.token);
setLocal('uid', data.data?.uid);
return data;
} else if (data.code === 1) {
const { msg } = data;
return thunkApi.rejectWithValue({ msg });
} catch (e) {
thunkApi.dispatch(showError('An error occurred'));
return thunkApi.rejectWithValue({ msg: "An error occurred" });