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How to get a report of Azure Dev Ops pipelines that run with a certain parameter in last x days

I have a pipeline that will be shared by many functions I want some MI around that:

  • What function ran the pipeline
  • How many times has function x called that pipeline

I was planning to provide a unique parameter to the functions that called my pipeline, then report passes and fails of the pipeline over x days based on that parameter.

I have used the DevOps dash and thought I could just insert a Query for it via a widget but it seems not. The pipeline Analytics are okay, but not what I want and I have to go into each pipeline individually to get the data - there has to be a better way. What am I missing, please?



  • Thank you to everyone. am quite locked down so that I only have access to ADO not function apps or ADF/App insights etc.

    I have gone the API route - I am working on pulling out the param I passed in for the response I get when I hit the run api, that has everything I need. I have a request in for storage etc and I can build something a bit more useful then. Meantime this will do - thanks :)

    Maybe I will do the extends idea as we scale - cheers :)