I have setup a MSK connector falsly with misconfigurations in the connector configuration and now it is stuck in Creating state. I am trying to delete it to create a new one but it is not allowing me to edit its configuration or delete it since it is in Creating state. Is there an indirect way of solving this issue ?
Thanks in advance. Status of MSK Connector
I tried changing the configuration but it is not allowing me to change it since it is in Creating state. I haven't tried the CLI since I am using an internal instance of AWS CLI related to my company and it does not have the delete-connector flag.
It turns out that deleting a MSK connector is not yet supported by AWS.
"Unfortunately it is not possible to delete a worker configuration from MSK Connect, but according to a MSK team member, the capability is on the roadmap without a definite timeline." - Mikel Del Tio
I ended up waiting for the status to change and adjusted the configurations.
AWS now supports deleting MSK worker configurations. Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/de/about-aws/whats-new/2024/03/amazon-msk-connect-deleting-worker-configurations-tagging-resources/