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Trying to add portraits to dialogue balloon using the Dialogue plugin, followed official tutorital to a T and it doesn't work

I'm trying to add character sprites / portraits to the dialogue ballons I made/modified using the Dialogue Plugin.

I was following the offical tutorital to the letter with the necessary changes to link to the files I want to use. But it won't work and I've checked the code and compared and constrasted multiple times and can't see what I've done wrong.

I even repeated the process from scratch and still cant get it to work. No problem loading the custom balloon, it just won't include the images.

Here is the code I added / changed

@onready var portrait: TextureRect = %Portrait

var portrait_path: String = "res://Draft Files/Milo Draft.png" % dialogue_line.character.to_lower()
    if FileAccess.file_exists(portrait_path):
        portrait.texture = load (portrait_path)
        portrait.texture = null


  • The problem was the usage of the % operator without a placeholder. This leads to an error which stops code execution.

    Changing that part fixed the error:

    var portrait_path: String = "res://Draft Files/Milo_Draft.png"

    Also recommended to remove the whitespace in the file and directory names, because this could lead to problems on some systems.