I have this code
@UseInterceptors(FilesInterceptor("files", 5))
async uploadFiles () {
When I try to upload more files, I get this error “Unexpected field”, is there any way I can change this error to my custom one?
You can use Exception filters from NestJS like explained in the NestJS doc : Exception Filter NestJS doc
create file like this http-exception.filter.ts
import { ExceptionFilter, Catch, ArgumentsHost, HttpException } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Request, Response } from 'express';
export class HttpExceptionFilter implements ExceptionFilter {
catch(exception: HttpException, host: ArgumentsHost) {
const ctx = host.switchToHttp();
const response = ctx.getResponse<Response>();
const request = ctx.getRequest<Request>();
const status = exception.getStatus();
statusCode: status,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString(),
path: request.url,
and use it like this in the controller
@UseFilters(new HttpExceptionFilter())
@UseInterceptors(FilesInterceptor('files', 5)
then you can custom the logic of the filter to add your messages.