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"Error: An SP-initiated SAML response from *IdP* was received unexpectedly", what could cause this error?

I have upgraded to the latest stable version of ComponentSpace.Saml2.Net (6.5.0). So I had to refactor the code changing the old syntax: "PartnerCertificateString=..., SecondaryPartnerCertificateString=..., etc... " to the newer syntax using the "List" to define the certificates used.

When logging in via SSO, I get this error. It was working fine before.

I've searched online for the error and I found this thread on ComponentSpace's forum: but none of the solutions there seem to work.

I'm using https and I've added the following rule to the Web.config:

       <rule name="Set SAML session cookie flags">
         <match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Set_Cookie" pattern="SAML_SessionId=[^;\s]*" />
         <action type="Rewrite" value="{R:0}; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None" />

I can see the SAML_sessionId cookie in the browser's storage


  • I have found the answer:

    I've been using MySql to store SSO Sessions and I had to add UpdateDateTime and ExpirationDateTime columns of type DateTime NULL to the SSOSessions table.

    That was the only issue.

    I found about the issue by enabling SAML trace and checking the logs. (