I have a SwiftUI view with a ScrollView constructed like this:
ZStack(alignment: .top) {
VStack {
ScrollView(.vertical) {
I want to hide the HeaderView()
as soon as the user scrolls down on the ScrollView
, but then show it when the user scrolls back up (preferably with a bit of an offset), even if the ScrollView
isn't scrolled all the way to the top.
This is done on a lot of apps, including Artifact, which does it like this:
Using GeometryReader
did not help, or I did not implement it correctly?
If you place a GeometryReader
in the background of the scrolled content then it can be used to detect a change in scroll position. An .onChange
handler can then be used to toggle the visibility of the header when the direction of scroll changes.
However, when the content is fully scrolled to the top or to the bottom, the ScrollView
may bounce and this may cause the header to be toggled incorrectly. To help resolve this, another GeometryReader
can be used to measure the height of the ScrollView
. The measurement of the position can then be constrained to the exact height of the content, allowing bounces to be ignored.
Here is an adaption of your example to show it working:
@State private var showingHeader = true
var body: some View {
VStack {
if showingHeader {
insertion: .push(from: .top),
removal: .push(from: .bottom)
GeometryReader { outer in
let outerHeight = outer.size.height
ScrollView(.vertical) {
.background {
GeometryReader { proxy in
let contentHeight = proxy.size.height
let minY = max(
min(0, proxy.frame(in: .named("ScrollView")).minY),
outerHeight - contentHeight
.onChange(of: minY) { oldVal, newVal in
if (showingHeader && newVal < oldVal) || !showingHeader && newVal > oldVal {
showingHeader = newVal > oldVal
.coordinateSpace(name: "ScrollView")
// Prevent scrolling into the safe area
.padding(.top, 1)
.animation(.easeInOut, value: showingHeader)
EDIT In the OP you said you would prefer it if the header only re-appears after the content has been scrolled a little in the opposite direction. To implement this, it is necessary to detect the turning point and then measure the distance from this point. This requires the following changes to the code above:
@State private var showingHeader = true
@State private var turningPoint = CGFloat.zero // ADDED
let thresholdScrollDistance: CGFloat = 50 // ADDED
.onChange(of: minY) { oldVal, newVal in
if (showingHeader && newVal > oldVal) || (!showingHeader && newVal < oldVal) {
turningPoint = newVal
if (showingHeader && turningPoint > newVal) ||
(!showingHeader && (newVal - turningPoint) > thresholdScrollDistance) {
showingHeader = newVal > turningPoint
To use the same effect for hiding the header too, change the second if-statement to:
if (showingHeader && (turningPoint - newVal) > thresholdScrollDistance) ||
(!showingHeader && (newVal - turningPoint) > thresholdScrollDistance) {
showingHeader = newVal > turningPoint