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iOS IPA is not a valid Binary

I am using Xamarin Forms to develop an iPhone app, everything is working fine, from development & debugging to creating an Archive for App Store Deployment.

When I uploaded the .ipa to the App Store for Review I got an Invalid Binary Error with a detailed description saying I needed to put

  1. NSCalendarsUsageDescription
  2. NSContactsUsageDescription
  3. NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
  4. NSAppleMusicUsageDescription
  5. NSSiriUsageDescription
  6. NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription
  7. NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription
  8. NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription
  9. NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription

I am not using any of these services in my App but I am still getting this error from Apple Review.

I also checked info.plist file & provision file there also I have not mentioned any of the above services.

Has anyone faced the same issue? or do let me know what more details are required from my side for you all to solve this issue. :)


  • I got the solution for my problem by changing Linker Behavior from

    Don't Link -> Link Framework SDKs Only

    For some people If the issue still exists try changing the Linker Behavior from

    Don't Link -> Link All

    You can get this setting from

    iOS Project -> Properties -> iOS Build

    Thanks to this thread from where I resolved my issue.