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Options are not passed to NestJS command

Following the nestjs-commander docs I have this command:

import { Command, CommandRunner, Option } from 'nest-commander';

  name: 'my-command',
export class MyCommand extends CommandRunner {
  async run(inputs: string[], options: Record<string, any>): Promise<void> {
    console.log(options); // This is an empty object

    flags: '-l, --limit <limit>',
    description: 'Limit option',
  parseLimit(val: string) {
    return Number(val);

And this is my main-cli.ts file:

import { AppModule } from "./app.module";
import { CommandFactory } from "nest-commander";

async function bootstrap() {
  await, ["log"]);


And I have added "console:dev": "ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register src/main-cli.ts" to my package.json but when I run the command with npm run console:dev my-command --limit=10 the command runs normally but I don't get the limit value in the run method.

Any idea why the options are not passed to the command?


  • I had the same problem, but it was a problem with how the npm works.

    Try this:

    npm run console:dev my-command -- --limit=10
