How do I get the current month name in NAnt?
I'm using a task like the one below to update our site label, which shows the date / time that the site was built. However, I need the date to be in a specific format, rather than varying depending on the machine format.
<xmlpoke file="\\path\to\server\folder\Web.config"
xpath="/configuration/appSettings/add[@key = 'SiteLabel']/@value"
value="[SQLServer].[SQLDatabase] - ${datetime::to-string(datetime::now())}" />
The format I need is "MMM DD, YYYY"
. NAnt doesn't seem to allow me to specify the format, but I can get the individual parts of the date using NAnt functions.
Is there any way I can get the name of the current month, using NAnt functions?
only returns the month number, not the name.
It may not be elegant, but you could something like this:
<target name="GetMonth">
<property name="today.month" value="${datetime::get-month(datetime::now())}" />
<if test="${today.month=='1'}">
<property name="month" value="Janurary" />
<if test="${today.month=='2'}">
<property name="month" value="Feb" />
<if test="${today.month=='3'}">
<property name="month" value="March" />
<if test="${today.month=='4'}">
<property name="month" value="April" />
<if test="${today.month=='5'}">
<property name="month" value="May" />
<if test="${today.month=='6'}">
<property name="month" value="June" />
<if test="${today.month=='7'}">
<property name="month" value="July" />
<if test="${today.month=='8'}">
<property name="month" value="Aug" />
<if test="${today.month=='9'}">
<property name="month" value="Sept" />
<if test="${today.month=='10'}">
<property name="month" value="Oct" />
<if test="${today.month=='11'}">
<property name="month" value="Nov" />
<if test="${today.month=='12'}">
<property name="month" value="Dec" />