I have the following setup:
Custom Domain api.foo.co.uk
-> API Mapping to stage v1
-> HTTP API path ANY /{proxy+}
-> Private VPC
Link -> ALB Fargate
If I hit the Custom Domain api.foo.co.uk
I get a 503 "message": "Service Unavailable"
If I hit the API direct p3dqjsdfszlv7.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/v1/
I get the same
In the CW for the API I see the following:
"err_msg":"Service Unavailable",
"err_string":" "Service Unavailable"",
"route_key":"ANY /{proxy+}",
"time":"16/Mar/2021:14:08:24 +0000",
Anyone have any idea what the issue might be ? I have looked and can not find anything on the error message err_response":"INTEGRATION_NETWORK_FAILURE"
or what the cause might be.
I have also enabled the access logs on the ALB but they are blank so I am assuming its not getting as far as the ALB
This might be the root cause of the 503 errors. VPC links require to use private subnets. If I put public subnets along with the private subnets it returns 503 errors most of the time. After removing public subnets from the VPC Link it is fixed.