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get an invite from message - discord.js

I'm making a discord bot in discord.js (v14.14.1) that checks a message for invites and if there isn't any it deletes the message, but if there is it checks that server's name

My problem is that I know how to get a guild from the invite, thought I don't know how to only get the invite from that message

The best solution I can think of is to just get a part of message that matches regex, and then extract the invite code from it, tho i have no idea how to find a part of msg that matches regex


  • The regex provided in the snippet can be used to capture standard Discord invite links while excluding Discord media or attachment links. To extract the invite from a message using this regex, you can use JavaScript's match() function with the regex pattern.

    function findDiscordInvites(message) {
      // Define the regex pattern
      const regex = /(https?:\/\/|http?:\/\/)?(www.)?(||||\/invite|\/invite)\/[^\s\/]+?(?=\b)/g;
      // Use the RegExp to search for matches in the message
      const matches = message.match(regex);
      // Return an array of matches
      return matches;
    // Examples
    const textWithInviteLink = "Check out this discord invite:";
    console.log("Matches expected", findDiscordInvites(textWithInviteLink));
    const textWithoutInviteLink = "Check out this image!";
    console.log("No matches expected:", findDiscordInvites(textWithoutInviteLink));

    I hope this answers your question.