Search code examples

Limit Microsoft Graph API search to site names only

I'm using the Microsoft Graph API to search for Sharepoint sites. I want to search for sites with a name that starts with Digital_ . I can search with $search="Digital_" and that will return me those sites, however it will also return other sites based on searching something other than their name (not sure which property is used). I want to limit the search only to the site's name.

When I try $search="name:Digital_" I get no results. How can I search for sites limiting search only to the name?


  • When using /sites?$search="...", you cannot search by a specific property like name or displayName.

    You can try search API where you can search for site(s)

        "requests": [
                "entityTypes": [
                "query": {
                    "queryString": "Digital_"

    It will search for the term Digital_ in properties name, displayName and description.

    To search only by the name property, specify the queryString like

    "queryString": "SiteName:Digital_"

    To search only by the displayName property, specify the queryString like

    "queryString": "Title:Digital_"

    To search only by the description property, specify the queryString like

    "queryString": "description:Digital_"