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how to reference image from another project in same solution in .NET Core 6

I have 3 projects in the same solution (AdminArea, sarir, datalayer).

I save images in wwwroot/Images in AdminArea project,m and I want to reference them in the sarir project. How can I do that? Thank you

This is not working for me:



    1. Shared Folder or Virtual Directory:

    Create a shared folder that both projects can access. You can either create a physical folder and ensure both projects have access to it, or create a virtual directory within the sarir project that points to the AdminArea's wwwroot/Images directory.

    • Physical Folder:

    Place your images in a shared physical directory accessible by both projects. Ensure the projects have the necessary permissions to access this folder.

    • Virtual Directory:

    In the sarir project, you can set up a virtual directory that points to the wwwroot/Images folder of the AdminArea project in your Startup.cs:

    app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
       FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(
        Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), @"..\AdminArea\wwwroot\Images")),
       RequestPath = "/SharedImages"
    1. Reference Image in HTML/Razor:

    Once the shared folder or virtual directory is set up, you can reference the images in your sarir project's HTML/Razor views:

    <img src="/SharedImages/SliderImages/@item.ImageName" alt="Image" />

    Replace /SharedImages/SliderImages/ with the correct path to your images within the shared directory.