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DbContext.OnModelCreating - Reading custom attribute for each DbSet

I have a IdSeqAttribute:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public class IdSeq(string seq) : Attribute
    public string Seq = seq;

and use it like this (about 60 classes):

public class Customer : MyModel
    public string Nome { get; set; } = "";

public class Product : MyModel
    public string Nome { get; set; } = "";

Then, I need to get this attibute on DbContext.OnModelCreating, for each DbSet<>:

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        foreach (var entityType in modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes())
            var annotatios = entityType.GetAnnotations();
            // here, I can see two attributes, but "IdSeq" isn't one of them.


  • Use the IReadOnlyTypeBase.ClrType property to get the entity type and get custom attributes from it:

    var idSeq = entityType.ClrType.GetCustomAttribute<IdSeq>()