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How do I establish the connection between my SQL server and python script?

I am trying to connect my Azure database to my Jupyter Notebook Python script, but I keep getting an error saying that the connection can't be established.

This is my code:

# Create the SQLAlchemy engine
connection_string = "Driver=/usr/local/lib/libmsodbcsql.18.dylib;,1433;Database=XXX;Uid=XXX;Pwd={XXX};Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=yes;Connection Timeout=30;ssl_version=TLSv1.2"

engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(f"mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect={urllib.parse.quote_plus(connection_string)}")

This is the error I am getting:

Error: (pyodbc.OperationalError) ('08001', '[08001] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server]Client unable to establish a connection (0) (SQLDriverConnect)')
(Background on this error at:

I am using a Mac. I don't know if it is an error with my database settings, but I have tried to mess with the settings and keep getting the same error.


  • Error: (pyodbc.OperationalError) (‘08001’, ‘[08001] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server]Client unable to establish connection (0) (SQLDriverConnect)’)

    The above error occurs when the SERVER in the Connection String is incorrect. I tried on my machine with the correct credentials, it connected successfully, as you can see in the code below:

    import urllib
    import sqlalchemy
    connection_string = (
        "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server};"
        "Connection Timeout=30;"
    engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(f"mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect={urllib.parse.quote_plus(connection_string)}")
    connection = engine.connect()
        print("Connection successful!")
        table_name = 'sampleTable'
        select_query = sqlalchemy.sql.text(f"SELECT * FROM {table_name}")
        result = connection.execute(select_query)
        rows = result.fetchall()
        for row in rows:
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {e}")
        if connection:


    Connection successful!
    (1, 'Pavan', 'Balaji', Decimal('31000.0000'), 'Hyderabad')
    (2, 'Sai', 'Venkatesh', Decimal('35000.0000'), 'Visakhapatnam')