I have a class:
from sys import stderr
from elixir import *
from types import *
class User(Entity):
first_name = Field(String(50))
middle_name = Field(String(50))
last_name = Field(String(50))
def __get_name__ (self):
first_name = self.first_name if self.first_name is not None else ""
middle_name = self.middle_name if self.middle_name is not None else ""
last_name = self.last_name if self.last_name is not None else ""
return " ".join((first_name, middle_name, last_name)).strip()
def __set_name__ (self,string):
first_name = ""
middle_name = ""
last_name = ""
split_string = string.split(' ')
if len(split_string) == 1:
first_name = string
elif len(split_string) == 2:
first_name, last_name = split_string
elif len(split_string) == 3:
first_name, middle_name, last_name = split_string
else: #len(split_string) > 3:
first_name = split_string[0]
last_name = split_string[-1]
middle_name = " ".join(split_string[1:-2])
self.first_name = first_name
self.middle_name = middle_name
self.last_name = last_name
name = property(__get_name__,__set_name__)
I'd like to run a query as follows:
def get_user(user):
found = None
if type(user) in [IntType,StringType]:
if type(user) is StringType:
where = or_(User.first_name==user,
qry = User.query.filter(where)
elif type(user) is IntType:
where = or_(User.id==user,
qry = User.query.filter(where)
found = qry.one()
except NoResultFound:
print >> stderr, "Couldn't find '%s'" % user
elif type(user) == User:
return found
However, the resultant SQL query looks something like the following:
SELECT users.first_name AS users_first_name,
users.middle_name AS users_middle_name,
users.last_name AS users_last_name
FROM users
WHERE users.first_name = 'Joseph'
OR users.middle_name = 'M'
OR users.last_name = 'Schmoe'
OR false
Notice the 'false' in place of the User.name field.
I'm getting this error:
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) no such column: false
I think what I'd like the SQL query to look like is the following:
SELECT users.name
FROM users
WHERE users.name = 'Joseph M Schmoe'
Edit: The desired/second SQL query was incorrect for what I really wanted: some sort of passive way to create a 'name' field within the database which corresponds to a concatenate of 'first_name','middle_name','last_name'.
Edit2: I believe that the following will get me almost there. However, I'm still struggling with the proper expression.
Edit3: Looks like it works for what I need it to do. So I'm including it as the answer.
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
def name (self):
first_name = self.first_name if self.first_name is not None else ""
middle_name = self.middle_name if self.middle_name is not None else ""
last_name = self.last_name if self.last_name is not None else ""
return " ".join((first_name, middle_name, last_name)).strip()
def name (self,string):
first_name = ""
middle_name = ""
last_name = ""
split_string = string.split(' ')
if len(split_string) == 1:
first_name = string
elif len(split_string) == 2:
first_name, last_name = split_string
elif len(split_string) == 3:
first_name, middle_name, last_name = split_string
else: #len(split_string) > 3:
first_name = split_string[0]
last_name = split_string[-1]
middle_name = " ".join(split_string[1:-2])
self.first_name = first_name
self.middle_name = middle_name
self.last_name = last_name
The Expression part is here:
def name (cls):
f = cls.first_name
m = cls.middle_name
l = cls.last_name
return f+' '+m+' '+l