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Creating an axios instance with token inside a custom hook only works for the first request

I currently try to create a custom hook, which creates a custom axios instance that has a token in the authorization header.

My current approach is this one:

export default function useAxiosAuthenticated() {

    const {getAccessTokenSilently} = useAuth0();
    const AxiosAuthenticated: AxiosInstance = axios.create({
        baseURL: GeneralHelper.APIUrl

    useEffect(() => {

        AxiosAuthenticated.interceptors.request.use(async (config) => {

            const token: string = await getAccessTokenSilently();
            config.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;

            return config;


    }, [getAccessTokenSilently]);

    return AxiosAuthenticated;


If I do it this way, it works perfectly fine for the first request, every other request fails with 401 - Unauthorized. I've tried to save the AxiosAuthenticated object as state, but then not even the first request works and throws another 401.

Maybe it has something to do with the async/await part of the code? Maybe I'm not getting a "finished" object the second time?

My old approach was that I had this TypeScript file:

export const AxiosAuthenticated: AxiosInstance = axios.create({
    baseURL: GeneralHelper.APIUrl

export const AddTokenInterceptor = (tokenObtainFunction: Function): void => {

    AxiosAuthenticated.interceptors.request.use(async (config) => {

        const token: string = await tokenObtainFunction();
        config.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;

        return config;


And in my component I used it like this:

useEffect(() => {


        getAccessTokenSilently().then(token => tempToken.current = token);

    }, [getAccessTokenSilently]);

This approach however, worked perfectly fine, but was duplicated in some components. And since the custom hooks used to reduce duplication of logic I thought they would be a better approach.


  • You can do like this.

    export const axiosInstance = axios.create({
      baseURL: GeneralHelper.APIUrl,
      headers: {
        Authorization: '',

    And you can add this in one place (for ex: in App component or AuthenticatedRoutes)

    useEffect(() => {
        const token: string = await getAccessTokenSilently();
        axiosInstance.defaults.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${token}`;
    }, [getAccessTokenSilently]);