I wonder if there exists another solution, to insert localized extension meta-tags automatically without adding them manually to install.rdf, for example by using a language variable (see example below):
example: myextension/chrome/locale/ru-RU/install.dtd
mylang.description=example description
my install.rdf:
<em:description>&mylang.description;</em:description> //<-- inpossible?
or by a method, that automatically overwrites the standard install.rdf's <description>-tag
with the user's language (from a file provided in myextension/chrome/locale/[LANG]/* ?
so far, we've translated the <description>-tag
(and sometimes the <name>-tag
too) for more than 20 languages - i'm just looking for a way, to manage this tangle inside my install.rdf...
You can provide localized descriptions via a localized preference pointing to a .properties
file in your locale directory, see Localizing before Gecko 1.9 (this approach is still supported despite the article title). However, this approach has the disadvantage that the descriptions are only available if the extension is enabled - if the user disables your extension only the description from install.rdf
will show up. Which is why I prefer using build scripts that will generate localization info in install.rdf
from files in the locale directory.