I want to automatically install the certificate when its not installed. I can check it manually:
keytool -list -keystore $Cacerts_trustStore -alias myCertAlias
But I want to use this function:
#Check keystore file is not existing or keystore does not contains certificate with alias in it
if (-not (Test-Path $Cacerts_trustStore) -or -not (<CheckCertIsExistsByAlias>)) {
#Call form to find certificate to install
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$dialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$dialog.Multiselect = $false
$certPath = $dialog.FileName
#Installing the certificate
& keytool -import -alias myCertAlias -keystore $Cacerts_trustStore -file $certPath
I tried:
if (-not (Test-Path $Cacerts_trustStore) -or -not (keytool -list -keystore $Cacerts_trustStore -alias myCertAlias)) {
But, obviously, it's not working because command output is not Boolean.
Any ideas? Thanks!
# Function to check if a certificate with a given alias exists in the keystore
function Check-CertExists {
param (
$output = & keytool -list -keystore $keystorePath -alias $alias 2>&1
return $output -match "Alias name: $alias"
# Your main script
$Cacerts_trustStore = "path/to/your/keystore"
$certAlias = "myCertAlias"
# Check if keystore file is not existing or keystore does not contain certificate with alias in it
if (-not (Test-Path $Cacerts_trustStore) -or -not (Check-CertExists -keystorePath $Cacerts_trustStore -alias $certAlias)) {
# Call form to find certificate to install
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$dialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
$dialog.Multiselect = $false
$certPath = $dialog.FileName
# Installing the certificate
& keytool -import -alias $certAlias -keystore $Cacerts_trustStore -file $certPath