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SQLite gives me an error near VALUES, what do I do?

I'm trying to select all entries from the table that have user_id = 0 and type that I can give as a parameter.

My code is:

get_all_parking_by_type = 'SELECT * FROM Parking WHERE type = ? and user_id = 0 VALUES (?)'
cursor.execute(get_all_parking_by_type, ('guest'))
guests = cursor.fetchall()

And the error is:

sqlite3.OperationalError: near "VALUES": syntax error

It's probably something stupid but I have no idea how to solve it.


  • There are two mistakes here:

    • There is no use for the VALUES-syntax, at least it's not clear what you are trying to accomplish with it; just leave it out
    • The parameter as ('guest') is not actually a tuple but a string inside useless parentheses. You probably meant ('guest', ).


    get_all_parking_by_type = 'SELECT * FROM Parking WHERE type = ? and user_id = 0'
    # Notice the comma after `'guest'`
    cursor.execute(get_all_parking_by_type, ('guest', ))
    guests = cursor.fetchall()