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How to get the client_id in the logout endpoint in OpenIddict?

I'm trying to get information about the client who initiated logout (like ClientId and display name).

But I can't get it from the request.

Here's is the LogOut action in the client application:

public IActionResult LogOut()
    return SignOut(new AuthenticationProperties
        RedirectUri = "/status"
    }, CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme, OpenIdConnectDefaults.AuthenticationScheme);

From the HTTP request retrieved at the logout endpoint in OpenIddict server, the ClientId is null:

HttpContext.GetOpenIddictServerRequest().ClientId; // Null

but these parameters are sent: post_logout_redirect_uri, id_token_hint, state with the request.

Is there a way to include the ClientId with the logout request? In the specs ( it's optional, so maybe it can be enabled/disabled somewhere?


  • My recommendation is to use the OpenIddict client, that implements the latest draft of the RP-initiated logout specification and will send the client_id parameter for you. You can see it in action here:

    Alternatively, if you prefer using the MSFT OIDC handler, you can use its event model - and more specifically the OpenIdConnectEvents.OnRedirectToIdentityProviderForSignOut event - to override the URL the user is redirected to when triggering a sign-out.