I got inspired by google maps , When it detects native browser it suggest to use it in app The detection process is simple but im not sure ,
The question is :
on ANDROID devices How i can force my website users to exit that native browser and open it in default(external) browser
Google Chrome:
this is simple detection snippet
function isInFacebookApp() {
return /FBAV/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
if (isInFacebookApp()) {
// do somthing window.open("https://my-website.com");
} else {
console.log("native browser not detected");
After testing for little bit i found this and its working just fine
In my case android and default browser google-chrome
// Use the 'intent:' link for Android
if (/Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
window.location.href = 'intent:https://your-website.com#Intent;end';
} else {
// For other platforms, use window.open with a fallback