I have some experimental data from a wind tunnel and I'm trying to fit a curve to this data and determine the x-intercept from it but cannot seem to get it to fit properly.
Plot of my experimental data:
Desired plot:
My Arrays for x and y are as follows below:
x = [0.05068111 0.04818916 0.04882654 0.05214874 0.05944521 0.07145887 0.0815519 0.09417571 0.11834393]
y = [0.0963202 0.22971568 0.36601308 0.50110841 0.63746987 0.77172614 0.85511004 0.90326404 0.94890827]
x = CD[3:12]
y = CL[3:12]
def fit_func(x, Cdmin, k1, Clmind):
return ((x-Cdmin)/k1)**0.5 + Clmind
params = curve_fit(fit_func, x, y)
[Cdmin, k1, Clmind] = params[0]
print([Cdmin, k1, Clmind])
The main issue is that you tried to fit a non-function, as one x-value here has two y-values. If you however invert the relation and calculate Cd
as function of Cl
, it works.
Also, the fit is not very good when including all the data points. I suspect some non-ideal conditions towards the end. You get a much better fit when leaving out the last two points.
from matplotlib import pylab
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
x = [0.05068111, 0.04818916, 0.04882654, 0.05214874, 0.05944521, 0.07145887, 0.0815519, 0.09417571, 0.11834393]
y = [0.0963202, 0.22971568, 0.36601308, 0.50110841, 0.63746987, 0.77172614, 0.85511004, 0.90326404, 0.94890827]
x2 = x[:-2] # removing last two data points
y2 = y[:-2]
def cd_calc(cl, Cdmin, k1, Clmind):
return k1 * (cl - Clmind) ** 2 + Cdmin
params, cov_param = curve_fit(cd_calc, y2, x2)
x_hat = [cd_calc(y_i, *params) for y_i in y]
pylab.plot(x, y, "b.")
pylab.plot(x_hat, y, "k-")
Resulting plot:
But I get k1=0.1
not 0.7
to 0.85
as you wish. The curvature would then be much stronger as in your data points.