I am using Serilog to write logs , this is how my configuration looks like :
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.Async(c => c.File($"Logs/log-.txt", rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day))
.WriteTo.Async(c => c.Console())
Problem with this is this is writing logs in bin/debug/.net7/logs
But I want it to write logs in my folder named Logs in the project.
This approach works fine in API projects but when I tried to use it in my Unit Test project then it logs it in bin/debug/.net7/logs
How can I change it so it should write logs in the folder that I created in root of my Unit Test Project ?
You could check whether a debugger is attached (using the System.Diagnostics
string logPath = Debugger.IsAttached
? @"..\..\..\Logs\log-.txt"
: @"Logs\log-.txt";
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.Async(c => c.File(logPath, rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day))
.WriteTo.Async(c => c.Console())
The 3 ..\
move up by the 3 folders corresponding to bin/debug/.net7