I try to match if a command string contains a quoted value as one of its option. Below is what I have gotten so far:
def pattern = ~/\s+[-]{1,2}\w\s+'.*'/
assert "cmd -o '{}'" =~ pattern
assert 'cmd -o \'{"a": "b"}\'' =~ pattern
assert 'cmd --option \'{"a": "b"}\'' =~ pattern // failed
assert 'cmd --long-option \'{"a": "b"}\'' =~ pattern // failed
Any suggestion how to make long option works?
You may use this regex to match all the cases provided in your question:
RegEx Details:
: Match 1+ whitespace-{1,2}
: Match 1 or 2 hyphens\w[\w-]*
: Match 1+ of word or hyphen characters starting with a word character\s+
: Match 1+ whitespace'[^']*'
: Match a string wrapped in single quotes