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How to solve linear programming problem using Python and Scipy?

I have a some materials made from chemical elements having a price for each kilo gram:

A: { cu: 0.02, mg: 0.3, nc: 0.005, price: 1000 }

This means 1 kilo gram of material A is made from 0.02g "cu", 0.3g "mg", 0.005g "nc", and has a price of 1000$. I have some other similar materials:

 A: { cu: 0.02, mg: 0.3, nc: 0.005, price: 1000 }  
 B: { cu: 0.033, mg: 0.2, nc: 0.00, price: 1500 }  
 C: { cu: 0.05, mg: 0.35, nc: 0.00, price: 1700 }  

I want to build a product, lets call it Pr_1, having 10 kilo grams weight, made from materials A, B, and/or C, so the Pr_1 has minimum price. The Pr_1 has some constraints too:

Pr_1: {minCu: 0.00, maxCu: 1.2, minMg: 1.2, maxMg: 1.9, minNc: 0, maxNc: 0}

This means 10 kilo gram of Pr_1 should have at least 0.00g and at most 1.2g "cu", also it should have at least 1.2g and at most 1.9g "mg", and it shouldn't have any "nc". As I mentioned, the Pr_1 has to have minimum price among all possible combinations of materials A, B, and C.

So, Let's denote the weights of Pr_1 made from materials A, B, and C as x_A, x_B, and x_C, respectively. The objective is to minimize the total cost:


1000*x_A + 1500*x_B + 1700*x_C

and we have 3 inequality equations:

0.00 <= 0.02*x_A + 0.033*x_B + 0.05*x_C <= 1.2 // cu constraint  
1.2 <= 0.03*x_A + 0.2*x_B + 0.35*x_C <= 1.9 // mg constraint  
0.005*x_A + 0.00*x_B + 0.00*x_C = 0 // nc constraint  

I can not figure out how can I solve this using Scipy and Python.

from scipy.optimize import linprog

# Coefficients of the objective function (costs)
c = [1000, 1500, 1700]

# Coefficients of the inequality constraints matrix
A = [
    [-0.02, -0.033, -0.05],   # Cu constraint
    [-0.3, -0.2, -0.35],      # Mg constraint
    [-0.005, 0, 0]            # Nc constraint

# Right-hand side of the inequality constraints
b = ???? # I don't know what this should be

# Bounds for each variable (x_A, x_B, x_C)
x_bounds = (0, None)

# Solve the linear programming problem
result = linprog(c, A_ub=A, b_ub=b, bounds=[x_bounds, x_bounds, x_bounds], method='highs')

# Print the results
print("Optimal weights for Pr_1 from A, B, and C:", result.x)
print("Minimum cost of Pr_1:",


  • As I said in the comments, with your current constraints the problem is infeasible.

    With the same constraints you could produce 9 kg. Also, I believe that you should be more careful and explicit with your units, so I demonstrate dimensional management using Pandas. In the end this produces a much more legible output.

    Also, at a guess, your Nc implies nickel which is actually Ni.

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from scipy.optimize import milp, Bounds, LinearConstraint
    materials = pd.DataFrame(
        data={'dollars_per_kg': (1_000, 1_500, 1_700)},
        index=pd.Index(name='material_name', data=('A', 'B', 'C')),
    materials['dollars_per_g'] = 1e-3*materials['dollars_per_kg']
    components = pd.DataFrame(
            'min_g': (0.0, 1.2, 0),
            'max_g': (1.2, 1.9, 0),
        index=pd.Index(name='component_name', data=('Cu', 'Mg', 'Ni')),
    material_components = pd.DataFrame(
            'g_per_kg': (
                0.0200, 0.30, 0.005,
                0.0033, 0.20, 0.000,
                0.0500, 0.35, 0.000,
            iterables=(materials.index, components.index),
    material_components['concentration'] = 1e-3 * material_components['g_per_kg']
    mass_kg = 9  # 10 not feasible
    mass_g = 1e3*mass_kg
    Minimize cost = (A, B, C mass g).(A, B, C dollars per g)
    A, B, C mass g >= 0
    sum(A, B, C mass g) = mass_g
    component min <= sum by component(A, B, C mass g) < component max
    mass_sum_constraint = LinearConstraint(
        lb=mass_g, ub=mass_g,
    component_constraint = LinearConstraint(
    result = milp(
    if not result.success:
        raise ValueError(result.message)
    print(result.message, end='\n\n')
    materials['mass_g'] = result.x
    materials['dollars'] = result.x * materials['dollars_per_g']
    material_components['mass_g'] = material_components['concentration'] * materials['mass_g']
    components['mass_g'] = material_components['mass_g'].groupby('component_name').sum()
    print(materials, end='\n\n')
    print(components, end='\n\n')
    Optimization terminated successfully. (HiGHS Status 7: Optimal)
                   dollars_per_kg  dollars_per_g  mass_g  dollars
    A                        1000            1.0    -0.0     -0.0
    B                        1500            1.5  9000.0  13500.0
    C                        1700            1.7     0.0      0.0
                    min_g  max_g  mass_g
    Cu                0.0    1.2  0.0297
    Mg                1.2    1.9  1.8000
    Ni                0.0    0.0  0.0000

    To find the maximum total mass, change your objective:

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from scipy.optimize import milp, Bounds, LinearConstraint
    materials = pd.DataFrame(
        data={'dollars_per_kg': (1_000, 1_500, 1_700)},
        index=pd.Index(name='material_name', data=('A', 'B', 'C')),
    materials['dollars_per_g'] = 1e-3*materials['dollars_per_kg']
    components = pd.DataFrame(
            'min_g': (0.0, 1.2, 0),
            'max_g': (1.2, 1.9, 0),
        index=pd.Index(name='component_name', data=('Cu', 'Mg', 'Ni')),
    material_components = pd.DataFrame(
            'g_per_kg': (
                0.0200, 0.30, 0.005,
                0.0033, 0.20, 0.000,
                0.0500, 0.35, 0.000,
            iterables=(materials.index, components.index),
    material_components['concentration'] = 1e-3 * material_components['g_per_kg']
    mass_kg = 9  # 10 not feasible
    mass_g = 1e3*mass_kg
    Minimize cost = (A, B, C mass g).(A, B, C dollars per g)
    Or: maximize total mass
    A, B, C mass g >= 0
    sum(A, B, C mass g) = mass_g
    component min <= sum by component(A, B, C mass g) < component max
    mass_sum_constraint = LinearConstraint(
        lb=mass_g, ub=mass_g,
    component_constraint = LinearConstraint(
    result = milp(
        # c=materials['dollars_per_g'],  # to minimize price
        c=-np.ones_like(materials['dollars_per_g']),  # to maximize total mass
            # mass_sum_constraint,  # to ask for a fixed total mass
    if not result.success:
        raise ValueError(result.message)
    print(result.message, end='\n\n')
    materials['mass_g'] = result.x
    materials['dollars'] = result.x * materials['dollars_per_g']
    material_components['mass_g'] = material_components['concentration'] * materials['mass_g']
    components['mass_g'] = material_components['mass_g'].groupby('component_name').sum()
    print(materials, end='\n\n')
    print(components, end='\n\n')
    print('Material components:')
    Optimization terminated successfully. (HiGHS Status 7: Optimal)
                   dollars_per_kg  dollars_per_g  mass_g  dollars
    A                        1000            1.0     0.0      0.0
    B                        1500            1.5  9500.0  14250.0
    C                        1700            1.7     0.0      0.0
                    min_g  max_g   mass_g
    Cu                0.0    1.2  0.03135
    Mg                1.2    1.9  1.90000
    Ni                0.0    0.0  0.00000
    Material components:
                                  g_per_kg  concentration   mass_g
    material_name component_name                                  
    A             Cu                0.0200       0.000020  0.00000
                  Mg                0.3000       0.000300  0.00000
                  Ni                0.0050       0.000005  0.00000
    B             Cu                0.0033       0.000003  0.03135
                  Mg                0.2000       0.000200  1.90000
                  Ni                0.0000       0.000000  0.00000
    C             Cu                0.0500       0.000050  0.00000
                  Mg                0.3500       0.000350  0.00000
                  Ni                0.0000       0.000000  0.00000