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How to use latitude and longitude in Angular?

I am trying to show a specific location in Google Map using Angular

in my html I have:

<google-map height="500px" width="100%" [center]="position" `[zoom]="zoom">`
    <map-marker [position]="position" ></map-marker>

I have declared the type in property model as follows:

  lat: string;
  lng: string;

and in my JSON data file I have:

 "lat": "24.488354389767583",
 "lng": "54.39509929776173"

then in my TypeScript file I have the below code adding + sign to convert to a number:

the code:

ngOnInit() {

    this.token = localStorage.getItem('token');
    this.propertyId = +this.route.snapshot.params['id'];
      (data: any) => { = data['prp'];

    this.propid = this.propertyId;
    this.propidStr = "nums" + this.propid.toString()

       let data2:any = localStorage.getItem(this.propidStr);
       this.likes = JSON.parse(data2);

  public zoom = 15;
    public position = {

      //use and create lat and lng
        lat: parseFloat(,
        lng: parseFloat(,

but I am getting an error:

InvalidValueError: setCenter: not a LatLng or LatLngLiteral with finite coordinates: in property lat: NaN is not an accepted value


  • I went another approach by looking for location using company name.

    this.dangerousUrl = "" + + "&output=embed"
    this.pdfSrc =  this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(this.dangerousUrl);