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Fabric.js image/text disappears when drawing

I have set up Fabric.js in my react app using the fabric npm package. I am trying to build an art board where you can draw, add text and add images. For some reason adding elements (images/text) seems to break the app. When adding an image the image appears for some time then disappears when some change occurs and re-appears when selecting any other image/text.

The point is while drawing, only drawings are visible and when adding elements, only elements are visible while all of them (objects) are present on the canvas.

I have created a similar environment to simulate the issue, please let me know of any fixes.

NOTE: The main code is in the fabricCanvas.js file which creates a class to handle all of fabric.js features.


I added a check as well to check if the image is present on Canvas by mapping all objects, and it's there but for some reason not visible.

I also tried a solution of removing the strict mode but it doesn't help.

I have tried different solutions of calling renderAll() on every update, but that doesn't work as well.


  • There is many problem with your initialization

    using fabricJS with useEffect

    first :

                ref={containerRef} //use ref on the container to observe his size
                style={{ maxWidth: "100vw", overflow: "hidden" }}
                <canvas id={canvasID} />

    Then define your ref

    const containerRef = useRef(null);
    const canvasID = "canvas";

    Now you can use use Effect hook to run initialization logic when the component mounts

    * Effect hook to run initialization logic when the component mounts or 
    when the container changes.
    useEffect(() => {
    const container = containerRef.current;
     * Checking if the container exists before proceeding with initialization.
    if (!container) {
      console.error("❌ The container does not exist");
     * Getting the initial dimensions of the container.
    const clientHeight = container.clientHeight;
    const clientWidth = container.clientWidth;
     * Create the main canvas
    fabricCanvas.init(canvasID, clientWidth, clientHeight);
    }, []);

    At this step the canvas is working. But in react you want to dispose the canvas in case of your component is dismounted. What i suggest is to separate your canvas initialization and your different features. store your canvas into a context or a state manager of your choice

    look a this example :

     useEffect(() => {
        const container = containerRef.current;
         * Checking if the container exists before proceeding with initialization.
        if (!container) {
            console.error("❌ The container does not exist");
         * Setting the container reference in the fabricStore for future use.
         * Getting the initial dimensions of the container.
        const clientHeight = container.clientHeight;
        const clientWidth = container.clientWidth;
         * Create the main canvas
            initCanvas(clientHeight, clientWidth);
      // your different config to initialize
         * once the canvas has been created
         * your different features
        if (fabricStore.canvas) {
                new FabricFeature02(fabricStore.canvas);
                new FabricFeature03(fabricStore.canvas);
                new FabricFeature04(fabricStore.canvas);
                new FabricFeature05(fabricStore.canvas);
        const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
            const { width = clientWidth, height = clientHeight } =
                (entries[0] && entries[0]?.contentRect) || {};
            resizeCanvas(width!, height!); // your resize logic 
        // Attaching the ResizeObserver to the container, assuming the container is of type HTMLDivElement.
        resizeObserver.observe(container as HTMLDivElement);
         * Returning a cleanup function to be executed when the component is unmounted.
        return () => {
            //Disposing of the canvas using the dispose method, assuming it exists in the fabricStore.
            // Checking if the container element exists before attempting to disconnect the ResizeObserver
            if (container) {
                // Disconnecting the ResizeObserver to stop observing changes in the container size.
    }, []);