I'm a former user of some network graph libs (dataviz, v-network-graph)...
If I leave the first one if favor of the latest one, I'm still facing some issues I'm looking to solve.
I'm having a look on highchartJs, which, even not being free, looks promising and seems way much easier to use.
My needs are quiet simple:
From the documentation, I think that HighchartJS is absolutely capable, but there still is one point I cannot reply...
Is it possible to use custom svg icons instead of colored plots? If so, where should I find documentation?
That's correct, you can achieve all of your requirements by using Highcharts.
It's also possible to use custom SVG icons instead of colored plots, just use the series.marker.symbol
option to define a common symbol for all series nodes or series.nodes.marker.symbol
for a specific one.
series: [{
marker: {
symbol: 'url(...)'
data: [
Live demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/7m5p3j2x/
API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/series.networkgraph.marker.symbol
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