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Gather all the Jira Tickets in the lastest Bamboo Release using a Bamboo Script Task

Long time stackoverflow reader, first post in a very long time, thanks for all the help over the years!

I'm trying to automate the post release process inside of Bamboo, I have a the following structure in my build plan (upstream):

  • Build Project
    • Plan
      • Default Stage
        • Job Build JAR
          • Task Git Checkout
          • Task Maven
          • Task create Git Tag in repo

After building my project I have a successful build with i.E. #14 and the tag 'v5.10.4.1' in ButBucket (Git).

Following this I created a Deployment Project (downstream) that has these script tasks:

  1. Create fixVersion in Jira
  2. Gather all the Jira Tickets in the lastest Bamboo Release
  3. Add all Bamboo Release Tickets to Jira Release

The steps use curl in some form or another and the REST API either from Jira or Bamboo, Step 1 works with any problems as long as the fixVersion hasn't been created in Jira previously.

For Step 2 I did a test from my workstation with success using this command to get the issues and save them as a text file for Step 3 afterwards:

curl -X GET --user ${bamboo.user}:${bamboo.password} -H 'X-Atlassian-Token: no-check' "https://server-name/rest/api/latest/result/${bamboo.buildResultKey}.json?expand=jiraIssues" -o >(grep -o -E '"(Ticket-KEY)-\d*"' | tr -d '"' > /tmp/issueKeys.txt) && cat /tmp/issueKeys.txt

I tried doing this as a Script Task during my deployment as either inline or file based, this is my script:

# Variables: ${bamboo.user}:${bamboo.password}; ${bamboo.buildResultKey}
# Gather all the Jira Tickets in the lastest Bamboo Release as the second step
echo "==> Gather all the Jira Tickets in the lastest Bamboo Release: yes"
curl -X GET --user ${bamboo.user}:${bamboo.password} -H 'X-Atlassian-Token: no-check' "https://server-name/rest/api/latest/result/${bamboo.buildResultKey}.json?expand=jiraIssues" -o >(grep -o -E '"(Ticket-KEY)-\d*"' | tr -d '"' > /tmp/issueKeys.txt)
echo "==> The following Jira Tickets from the lastest Bamboo Release have been gathered"

# for debugging run this to verfiy the results in the Bamboo deployment logs
cd /tmp/ && ls -la && cat issueKeys.txt && nl issueKeys.txt

I ran into the following problems:

  • Using https in the curl command on Bamboo itself will log: curl: (35) error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number
  • Using http in the curl command on Bamboo itself will log a 404:
13-Dec.-2023 14:05:53   <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
13-Dec.-2023 14:05:53   <html><head>
13-Dec.-2023 14:05:53   <title>404 Not Found</title>
13-Dec.-2023 14:05:53   </head><body>
13-Dec.-2023 14:05:53   <h1>Not Found</h1>
13-Dec.-2023 14:05:53   <p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p>
13-Dec.-2023 14:05:53   <hr>

It seems it is not possible to curl the Bamboo REST API from inside of Bamboo it's self but it should be possible, I found this in the Atlassian documentation: curl -u <ADMIN_USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> <BAMBOO_URL>/build/admin/ajax/getDashboardSummary.action

Maybe someone has solved this already but I can't find a thread or documentation. Many thanks for help or ideas!


  • After lots of research (googling was not a help here) I found the "actual" Bamboo REST API documentation with examples of the correct URI:

    or as an example of the structure:


    In my use case of above where I was trying to curl the Bamboo REST API from a Bamboo Script Task, I am now using the following URI without issues:


    Issue is resolved.