I am using Windows 11. I uninstalled python 3.9 and installed python 3.12 (Windows installer (64-bit)). I checked the box add python.exe to path. As part the procedures' I was able to change the environmental variable of "path" to include
I have another variable "pip" with value of
in command prompt
I enter > python --version
I get Python 3.12.1
in response.
I entered py get-pip.py
and I get the message Successfully installed pip-23.3.1
I enter > pip freeze
and I get
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"C:\Users...\Programs\Python\Python39\python.exe" "C:\Users...\Programs\Python\Python39\Scripts\pip.exe" freeze': The system cannot find the file specified.
I already changed environmental variable, what do I need to do?
In the Command Prompt type in
$ which -a pip
If the files were not changed then the response should be two file locations:
/c/Users/.../Programs/Python/Python39/Scripts/pip /c/Users/.../Programs/Python/Python312/Scripts/pip
Rename or remove the folder Python39
This will this will force pip to use the new folder location.
for additional details / solutions Pip shows wrong path