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WPF. How to access the MediaElement located in MainWindow.xaml from Page.xaml.cs and Page.xaml?

I have a mainwindow.xaml and several Pages in my application. I placed MediaElement on the mainwindow so that when I switch between pages the song is not interrupted, I also want to be able to switch the song on each page and change the volume. But I don't know how to access MediaElement from MainWindow.xaml.

In MainWindow.xaml, I created a MediaElement that contains music <MediaElement x:Name="music" Source="Models\Music\music_one.m4a"> The project also has Page, on which I want to make it possible to switch to another song through the handler by pressing the button:

 private void TurnOn_Christmas_Button(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            music.Source = new Uri("music/mus/music_two.m4a", UriKind.Relative);

But "music" from MainWindow.xaml it simply does not see. How to access it? I also need to access it in Page.xaml, because I want to add the possibility to change the volume via Slider

<Slider x:Name="VolumeMusic" Grid.Row="8" Grid.Column="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="4" Minimum="0" Maximum="1" Visibility="Hidden"
        Value="{Binding ElementName=music, Path=Volume, Mode=TwoWay}" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>

Here, accordingly, he can't see it either. How do I get in touch?


  • To access the MediaElement defined in MainWindow.xaml from other pages or controls, you can use various approaches. One common approach is to create a public property or method in your MainWindow.xaml.cs file that exposes the MediaElement. Here's an example:

    public partial class MainWindow : Window
     Create a public property to expose the MediaElement
    public MediaElement MusicElement
        get { return music; }
    // ... other code in MainWindow.xaml.cs

    Now, in your Page.xaml.cs or any other code-behind file where you want to access the MediaElement, you can do the following:

    private void TurnOn_Christmas_Button(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     // Access the MediaElement from MainWindow
     if (Application.Current.MainWindow is MainWindow mainWindow)
        // Use the public property to get the MediaElement
        MediaElement music = mainWindow.MusicElement;
        // Now you can manipulate the MediaElement
        music.Source = new Uri("music/mus/music_two.m4a", UriKind.Relative);

    Similarly, for changing the volume in Page.xaml.cs:

      private void VolumeSlider_ValueChanged(object sender, 
      RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
      // Access the MediaElement from MainWindow
      if (Application.Current.MainWindow is MainWindow mainWindow)
        // Use the public property to get the MediaElement
        MediaElement music = mainWindow.MusicElement;
        // Set the volume based on the Slider value
        music.Volume = VolumeSlider.Value;

    Make sure to adjust the code according to your project structure and naming conventions. This approach allows you to access the MediaElement from other parts of your application.