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Plotting three columns in the form of a matrix in matplotlib

I have three column data file. First and second columns are x and y axes, respectively. I would like to give color to the plot in the form of a matrix as shown in an example figure (with different shades of grey).

enter image description here

I tried the following code, but is not reading the values of column z properly.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


colors = ['#5BFF00','#99CCFF','#FF5700']

for i in z:
    if i < 9:
    if 9 < i < 25:

plt.scatter(x, y, c=colors)

A part of my datafile

1   2   5.02
1   3   18.011
1   4   0.31
1   5   24.14


  • You're appending to the colors list that, I assume, contains the three different colours that you are wanting on the plot. Instead have a new list to contain the colours to be plotted, e.g.,:

    colors = ['#5BFF00','#99CCFF','#FF5700']
    c = []  # colours to use in the plot
    for i in z:
        if i < 9:
        if 9 < i < 25:
    plt.scatter(x, y, c=c)

    This will not have the matrix form that you want, for which you should try a seaborn heatmap (you can do it purely with Matplotlib), but the Seaborn interface is simpler. An example using the Seaborn heatmap (and the digitize function from @mozway's answer) is:

    import seaborn as sns
    import numpy as np
    data = np.loadtxt("test.txt")
    nrows = data[:, 0].astype(int).max()
    ncols = data[:, 1].astype(int).max()
    darray = data[:, 2].reshape((nrows, ncols))
    bins = [0, 9, 25, np.inf]
    darray = np.digitize(darray, bins)
    colours = ['#5BFF00','#99CCFF','#FF5700']
    ax = sns.heatmap(darray, cmap=colours, cbar=False)

    where I have used a test.txt file containing:

    1 1 0.3
    1 2 5.02
    1 3 18.011
    1 4 0.31
    1 5 24.14
    2 1 0.5
    2 2 10.1
    2 3 5.4
    2 4 28.9
    2 5 9.1
    3 1 0.5
    3 2 32.4
    3 3 4.3
    3 4 12.7
    3 5 0.45
    4 1 90.4
    4 2 20.5
    4 3 7.6
    4 4 15.8
    4 5 21.4
    5 1 0.53
    5 2 3.4
    5 3 15.9
    5 4 21.3
    5 5 100.3

    which gives:

    enter image description here