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Insert frontmatter property in markdown body in Astro

I have this frontmatter heading a .md file in Astro.

title: A great movie
director: John Doe

I thought that a syntax like [actor], or {{actor}}, or {} or something similar would allow me use the properties as variables INSIDE the markdown body and they will be rendered with the proper values.

title: A great movie
director: John Doe

## My thoughts about {{actor}}

We all know the great director {{director}} and we have seen all his films.

Isn't it possible?


  • After installing the Astro MDX integration with:

    npx astro add mdx

    you can use the following syntax in any .mdx file:

    layout: '../../layouts/BlogPostLayout.astro'
    title: A great movie
    director: John Doe
    ## My thoughts about {frontmatter.title}
    We all know the great director {frontmatter.director} and his films.