Calling all AS400 SQL gurus- Imagine you have a database as such
Client | DATA 1 |
ABC | 123 |
ABC | 123 |
ABC | 123 |
EFG | 456 |
LMN | 678 |
QRS | 555 |
QRS | 556 |
XYZ | 789 |
XYZ | 789 |
XYZ | 999 |
I'm seeking an SQL solution that will group the Client field and inspect DATA 1 and identify all instances where any DATA 1 differs within a specific client. So for example - -Client ABC - all of DATA 1 for client ABC are identical so do NOT select. -Client EFG - A single so DATA 1 will ALWAYS match so do NOT select. -Client LMN - A single so DATA 1 will ALWAYS match so do NOT select. -Client QRS- 2 records and the DATA 1 records do not match -Include all in the SQL selection -Client XYZ - 2 records are identical but a single record does not match - Include all in the SQL selection.
So in the end my SQL selection should look like -
Client | DATA 1 |
QRS | 555 |
QRS | 556 |
XYZ | 789 |
XYZ | 789 |
XYZ | 999 |
That is to say- I have a listing of all records where DATA 1 is NOT identical within a Client grouping.
FWIW - I've tested UNIQUE, GROUP BY, HAVING COUNT, etc.....and I still find myself stuck. Thanks in advance for any and all of your help.
FWIW - I've tested UNIQUE, GROUP BY, HAVING COUNT, etc.....and I still find myself stuck.
You could use a CTE or sub-query to get the clients which have more than one distinct data_1 value.
select *
from table1
where client in (
select client
from table1
group by client
having count(distinct data_1) > 1
) --alias if needed