//Here is my fetch statement, and you can see i tried this "order(by: "Date"). didnt work.
func fetchTechPapers(_ meet: Meeting){
let uid = meet.uid
FirestoreConstants.MeetingsCollection.document(uid).collection("Technical").order(by: "Date", descending: false).getDocuments{ documentsSnapshot, error in
if let error = error {
self.errorMessage = "Failded to fetch contacts: \(error)"
print("Failded to fetch contact: \(error)")
documentsSnapshot?.documents.forEach({ snapshot in
let paper = try? snapshot.data(as: BreakOuts.self)
//Here is the list for my view:
ForEach(vm.papers) { paper in
NavigationLink(value: paper) {
PapersRowView(paper: paper, viewModel: vm)
.onAppear(perform: {
Any ides or direction to where i could go to read how this is done id appreciate it.
The Date
field in your database holds a string value, and (as shown in the documentation on data types) Firestore orders string values lexicographically. In that order, your "12/20/2023 6:00pm"
value comes after "11/21/2024 8:05pm"
. Chronologically that's not correct, but since these are strings it's what ends up happening.
There is no option to have the database chance it's sort order to accommodate your use-case. Your options are to:
or Timestamp
value, which ensures that Firestore then orders them chronologically."2023/12/20 18:00"
. For more such formats, see ISO-8601.