WooCommerce Version: 8.4.0 WordPress Version: 6.4.2 PHP Version: 8.0.30 Parent Theme: Avada Child Theme: Avada-child
The issue is as follows:
The order mail functionality is not working. We have checked the configuration of the SMTP and tested the mail; it is working fine. However, other forms on the site, such as Contact Form 7 forms, are functioning correctly.
There is an option in WooCommerce Email. When I set the Email Type to plain text, the order emails work fine.
However, when I set the option to HTML
the emails are not being received in the mailbox, even though the mail log shows them as successfully sent.
The problem occurs only when the Email Type is set to HTML.
Could someone kindly provide guidance on how to fix and debug this issue?
I have debug all the possibilities
In your screenshot, I see this notice at the bottom "This template has been overridden by your theme and can be found in: Avada-Child-Theme/woocommerce/emails/admin-new-order.php"
This means that you're customizing the HTML template and doing something wrong in that template hence the issue. You may want to remove the custom HTML template of email from your child theme and check this again.
Or simply activate parent theme for testing purpose and see if the order email arrives, if it does then definitely its your child theme customization issue and you may want to review it.