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Merging two dataclasses

Let A be a dataclass that contains at least the attributes in the dataclass B.

In python, is there a simple way to merge an instance of B and an instance of A in the same way two dictionaries are merged with the | operator as in the example below?

from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict, replace

class A:
    x: int 
    y: int 

class B:
    x: int 


The current simplest solutions i found were:

  1. To convert both instances to dictionaries, do the merge into a single dictionary, then convert back to dataclass as in the code below:
c_dict : dict = asdict(a) | asdict(b)
  1. To use the replace function and asdict conversion as in the code below:

Is this the simplest way? For instance trying a|b fails as an 'unsupported operand'.


  • Since there is nothing built-in that will support the a | b behavior, you can implement on your own a mixin class with the __or__ method defined:

    class Unionable:
        def __or__(self, other):
            return self.__class__(**asdict(self) | asdict(other))

    so that:

    class A(Unionable):
        x: int
        y: int
    class B(Unionable):
        x: int
    a = A(x=2, y=6)
    b = B(x=4)
    print(a | b)


    A(x=4, y=6)
