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Difficulty to make function `scipy.integrate.solve_bvp` for geodesic equations

Since I started learning python library sympy and scipy, I wondered how to implement the geodesic equation [1] using the function scipy.integrate.solve_bvp and sympy symbols. I was able to implement a symbolic version of Christoffel's symbols calculation for its integration definition. Also, I defined the ode function for integration steps.

I am not able to make the module scipy.integrate work properly as on the module example [3]. The library requires some initial value as initial guess. The algorithm should converge to the curve which binds the points, which is traversed with a constant velocity. Neither the initial and final points are the provided not the velocity norm is constant along the curve.

Therefore, I ask for the help of some good fellows help debugging this issue.





  • I would approach this problem as a minimization problem not a differential equation integration.

    Here is an example where I compute the geodesic approximation on an ellipsoid based on the piece-wise linear interpolation over equally spaced points in the path.

    from scipy.optimize import minimize
    import numpy
    class Ellipsoid:
        def __init__(self, a=1, b=1, c=1):
   = [a,b,c]
        def path(self, theta, phi):
            Path over a paraboloid with phi=0 at the equator, 
            and at the poles +pi/2 and -pi/2
            h = np.cos(phi)
            a,b,c =
            return a * h * np.cos(theta), b * h * np.sin(theta), c * np.sin(phi)
        def discretized_path_length(self, theta, phi):
            Get the points from a path and compute the length
            of the piecewise linear interpolation of it
            return np.sqrt(sum(np.diff(u)**2 for u in self.path(theta, phi))).sum()
        def _discretized_packed_path_length(self, packed_path, p0, p1):
            Interface to scipy minimization 
            take a packed array with the parametized path, and two extra
            arguments, p0 the initiala point parameters, and p1 the final
            point parameters.
            theta, phi = np.vstack([[p0], packed_path.reshape(-1, 2), [p1]]).T
            return self.discretized_path_length(theta, phi)
        def geodesic(self, p1, p2, n, method='least_squares'):
            Given p1=(theta1, phi1), p2=(theta1, phi2) and a number
            of segments computes the discretized geodesic
            theta1, phi1 = p1
            theta2, phi2 = p2
            t_theta = np.linspace(theta1, theta2, n+1)
            t_phi = np.linspace(phi1, phi2, n+1)
            t_packed = np.array([t_theta, t_phi]).T
            results = minimize(
                args=(t_packed[0], t_packed[-1]))
            t_packed[1:-1] = results.x.reshape(-1, 2)
            theta, phi = t_packed.T
            return theta, phi

    To validate the approach we can check the case where the ellipsoid reduces to a sphere and the geodesic length can be easily calculated as the length of the arc connecting two points.

    def check_geodesic(p0, p1, n):
        ball = Ellipsoid(1,1,1)
        theta, phi = zip(p0, p1)
        theta0 = np.linspace(*theta, n+1)
        phi0 = np.linspace(*phi, n+1)
        initial_length = ball.discretized_path_length(theta0, phi0)
        theta, phi = ball.geodesic(p0, p1, n, 'minimize')
        m_geodesic_length = ball.discretized_path_length(theta, phi)
        distance = ball.discretized_path_length(*zip(p0, p1))
        arc = 2*np.arcsin(distance/2)
        print(theta[0], phi[0], theta[-1], phi[-1])
        print('Initial path length:', initial_length)
        print('Distance from start to end', distance)
        print('Geodesic length (minimize):', m_geodesic_length)
        print('Length of arc from start to end', arc)

    A trivial case traveling over the equator

    check_geodesic((0, 0), (1, 0), 100)
    0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
    Initial path length: 0.9999958333385416
    Distance from start to end 0.9588510772084059
    Geodesic length (minimize): 0.9999958333385416
    Length of arc from start to end 0.9999999999999999

    A non-trivial geodesic

    check_geodesic((0, 0.5), (1, 0.5), 100)
    0.0 0.5 1.0 0.5
    Initial path length: 0.8775789053009355
    Distance from start to end 0.8414709848078966
    Geodesic length (minimize): 0.8685090778499669
    Length of arc from start to end 0.8685118212476727